Our solutions for

Agriculture and Zootechnics

Italian farmers and stockbreeders count on our products to increase the quality of their land and their farms.

The increased fertility and growth rate of crops and the hygiene of stables are guaranteed by our lime-based compounds. Moreover, as a business philosophy, our mixtures are subjected to continuous innovation and research processes which, together with qualified personnel, make it possible to increase our customers’ satisfaction thanks to the growth of their crops and the health of their livestock.

Land and agricultural crops

Agricultural soil is characterised by very complex physical and chemical balances that make it seem like a living matter.
Soils may be neutral, acidic or basic, depending on the pH value.
Only a few plants prefer acid soil, the vast majority prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soils.
There are many causes that can lead to acidic conditions (pH <7): soil type, erroneous agronomic practices, excessive use of chemical fertilisers, lack of organic matter, leaching. Lime is the choice corrective for soil acidity. The liming treatment, i.e. the distribution of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide on arable land, is one of the oldest and best known agronomic operations. In fact, for centuries farmers have used lime, a simple and natural product, essential for innovative and rational agriculture.
A periodic soil liming brings agronomic and, as a consequence, economic benefits: it improves the soil structure which becomes more workable and more suitable to host crops, the soil’s reserves are optimised, the efficiency of fertilisers increases, microbial life and biological activity are encouraged, organic substances are transformed faster, and the soil’s chemical quality improves.
Soil acidity
Agrical + Agrimag + Agrimag super Magnital Potacal Azotec
Mantenimento ph
Correzione Ph con coltura in campo
Tenore in %
CaO – OSSIDO CA 92 80 56 25 20 14
MgO – OSSIDO MG 2 15 38 17 14 10
N – AZOTO 20


UNICALCE also operates in the livestock sector with products designed to improve the welfare of farm animals, especially dairy cows.

In recent years, the concept that animals that live in healthy, clean and comfortable environments produce more and with higher quality has gained ground. A parameter that is often overlooked in cowshed management is the pH value that is found in the stalls and which is closely linked to their type of filling, to the materials used and the replacement and/or filling frequency. In fact, classic straw used alone is unable able to reach the minimum pH values ​​(> 10) that can be a good guarantee of the absence of bacteria. An optimal solution should ensure a constant pH value between 11 and 12 and hold it in this range for at least two weeks.


UNICALCE in collaboration with qualified breeders who are aware of the various cowshed management issues, Unicalce has developed an innovative product: VF10, a balanced mix of products based on calcium and magnesium, which is meeting the favour of the many farmers who have had the opportunity to test the product.
Agriculture and


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